Friday, September 26, 2008

pass the kleenax...please

So where in the world is Asha Brim? I'm pretty sick and am deplurking and de-SL-ing.

I caught something around Monday. Something with sinus issues, sniffles, headaches and fatigue. After two days of missing school and laying in bed watching nearly all the episodes of Bones ( I'm on Season Three now! Yay!) I didn't want to miss any more classes, no matter how crappy I felt so I did and on top of regular homework, I still have to catch up on stuff that I missed.

On Wednesday, I thought I could get back on the grid and I did. I just conked off later because I didn't have the energy to do more than trying to set up skybox. Getting the box in the sky is the part that is frustrating.

I had all this stuff planned out for this week and I'm disappointed that I won't be able to get back on track. Like Alicia's blogger challenge and other stuff.

I'm going to laze around this weekend, work my midterms and work on my research project. I'm just really tired and want to get some rest. I hope I'll be better next week because I really do miss you guys!

Take care and have a great weekend, y'all!


Anonymous said...

Awww! Hope you get better soon :)

Emerald Wynn said...

**Hugs Asha**

Sux. I hope you feel better. I've missed you!

Dyami Jameson said...

Hope you start feeling better soon!

Nuuna Nitely said...

I started to worry about what happened to you.:) Hope you get well soon. Take care!:)


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