Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hump Day Party- Arr, Pirate!

I went to a Hump Day party tonight, which was my first one. Selected theme was Pirate, but I didn't dress up for it. I had a blast and want to thank Aisuru, Alicia, CeN and everyone who there. You'll definitely see me at the next one :D

I took loads of snapshots and posted them on flickr. Some of them haven't come out well but I wanted to share them anyway.


I'm beat now and my bed is calling me.

Nite y'all.


Dyami Jameson said...

Glad you were able to make it! Hope to see you next week too.

Asha Brim said...

I hope so too. I'm excited about dressing up for the next hump day theme.


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